Friday, 2 October 2015

The joys of Infertility

A local business owner and friend of mine Karen Stoyles from Nature Prenatal recently posted an article regarding the Ontario Government (article) paying for IVF.  This sparked an urge in me to tell my experience with IVF. In addition I will be adding a special discounts section on my website.  Please check to see what I will be offering to those who have gone through IVF.

My IVF Story

You're walking down the street you see a couple pushing a stroller with a little baby inside, and you just can't help but feel like crying. You sit there and you think, why can't that be us? Why is it so hard for us? Why are we hitting all these road blocks? Month after month, you try and try and try, and it's always negative. 

Then the doctor finally says, "ok, time for an intervention! Let's send you to the local Infertility clinic!.  But there's a waiting list.
"Oke dokey"

Several months go by then we finally see the specialist.
"We got to do a HSG x-ray, a laparoscopy, and a whole bunch of other tests, then we'll try IUI (Inter Uterine Insemination)." "Oke dokey"
Little do you know, that you are going to gain weight like crazy because of the wonderful hormones they give you, and the depression you're going to feel when month after month, you still get a negative....

Time for a mental and physical break!

Low and behold though, you are no longer in your 20's! You're not even in your low 30's! That extra weight from the Clomide is not falling off like it use to, and you know you're on a deadline to reach you're goal! So back to the doctor! 

"What's the next step?"
"IVF..... but we don't do that here. You have to go to Calgary or Burnaby or Ontario. Best clinic right now is Calgary."
"Oke Dokey"
"There's a waiting list"
"Nokey dokey, I'm not getting any younger.... I've got a deadline I'm fast approaching!"
"There's a cost too, big one"
"Well thank goodness hubby just got back from Afghanistan!  We got a little extra there, plus some savings, and RRSP's and some stocks."

So on the list we go and we wait, and wait and wait........

We get the call... We're on the list to wait to come in for the orientation to see if we qualify.

Orientation comes..... We pass the psychological tests (amazing that this point). We pass the general physical. Then we talk to the doctor - one of the doctors. He tells us the chances of it working.  They have to transfer 2 embryo's back into me. Any that are remaining can go into cryo-preservation for future attempts. 

We're on the waiting list.............. again ...............

We then get a call at the very end of August the are sending my drugs via courier.  I start them September 1st (I'm in Quebec visiting my parents getting home August 31st). 

September 1st arrives.... my husband has to inject me! I really, really want a baby, but I'm not to sure about him injecting me! We are lucky enough to have a friend who use to be a nurse. She comes over and demonstrates for him how to give the needle.  How easy it slides in. No issue's.  Slides right in..... Easy peasy!!!! The next day my husband is on his own to give it to me in my belly! I'm sure you've guessed what happened by now..... I'm surprised he didn't feel the need to jump and jab it in!!! OUCH!!! The good thing is, after that he realized how easy it slides in and there were no further jabs!

Weeks went by then we were off to Calgary for the eggs to be removed.... here was the most nerve wrecking part! Not the taking out of the eggs.  Yes there was a little bit of pain. But I was trying to get pregnant, which would lead to birth which is suppose to be painful as well... so it was worth it. The nerve wrecking part is the morning line-up for ultra sounds and blood work to see if your follicles are ready. Many couples, just like you, lining up, hoping all the stars will finally be lined up for them.... their lottery number will finally be called..... the rainbow will end on their doorstep!
And then, even more nerve wrecking, how many.....

9 viable
We had to have an additional procedure done ICSI (Intracytoplasmic sperm injection).
7 survived ICSI Process
4 survived to day 2
3 survived to day 3 - Transfer Day

So they transfer them in, and give you a lovely photo of you`re 8 cell embryos. Then into recovery, and then back to your hotel for the night. The next day you`re on your way home.....

With a blood test for pregnancy and more hormones. The next step is to wait.  The first day your period is due you have to go for your blood test and then wait for them to call. If it`s positive they send you for an ultra sound to see how many of the embryo`s took.
We were extremely lucky!  One round of IVF and it worked.  It doesn`t always. I was 39 when Nicholas was born.  My chances of another successful pregnancy coming to term dropped to 15%. 
The total cost at the end with hotels, meals, procedures, etc was around $15000.00. Alberta, at that time, did not cover any of it. My work benefits, covered some of my IUI medication costs but that was it. I`m sure this is a familiar to some of you who have gone through this. It is a long, costly process.  But in the end, the cost is a pittance compared to the miracle we are given.


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