Friday 3 June 2016

What you don't see...

My job is to create images for you that are not only beautiful, but will last a lifetime. A LIFETIME!!!! 

Talk about pressure!

Not only that, but I need to make it so it suits your family, your style, your home, your LIFE!

Am I shooting for a book or wall portraits or both? Where are you hanging the portraits? What colours are in that room what style is your devote (rustic, modern etc etc etc!)? So many things I have to think about!

That's the reason for a consultation! We sit and talk and figure out what you want so I can plan the session that you want.

Now after our chat is done I hit the drawing board. I figure out poses, the set, groupings, how I'm taking your image (landscape vs portrait). 
After all that it's time to set it all up! Then the magic happens when you arrive...

Phew! That's done....oh wait! I still have to cull and edit! Oh yeah and that book has to be designed doesn't it! Don't forget the slide show! There's also converting to black and white so you can choose which you prefer.... Ok hours have passed and this is all finally done!

Now prepare everything for the ordering session... Clean everything (that means putting everything away from the session that was just here). Set up for the ordering / reveal appointment. Make sure there is water bottles in the fridge! Check all documents are ready to go. And we're off!

One more step done! Next make any changes we discussed then prep all the files to send off to the lab. That means finalizing the books as well! And DONE!

Oh wait! I still have to make sure everything is perfect from the lab, which it always is (thank goodness I use an actual lab and not some cheap company that mass produces and doesn't care about your product!). Then package it up and wait for you to pick up! When you arrive, show you everything. Make sure you love it all, then explain some of the little things. Care, cleaning, storage and what those little bumpers are for!

And done! Other then follow ups, blogging, Facebook posts accounting and preparing for the next client.

All that for $60 or $100 or what ever you are paying for your session fee. Worth it or not? For me it is, because the smile on your face when I present you with your order. 

Here is my question though... How do other "photographers" manage to provide you all this, plus give you the digital files as your order and still afford a business license, insurance, maintain education, and everything else that goes with running a business for $60? Your $60 for a mini, pays me less then $10 an hour to work (excluding editing and file prep). What I make on your order pays for my time editing, the products and all my other business costs. 

So are you going to the Joe-blow down the street who's just doing it to make a buck or are you seeing me who cares and is doing it because it's my passion? I charge for my work because my talent is worth something. I run a legitimate business because you deserve to have someone with true dedication work for you!

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