Let's see - what do you get?
- A professional photographer taking your picture
- Usually a Facebook edition, or a 5x7 print or maybe even an 8x10
- Images that I can use for specific promotions or to refresh my portfolio (but only for a limited time as it has to stay fresh)
- Maybe an hour of your time for the session
- Another hour for the reveal
- Some time spent communicating with me to figure out what you are to bring
- If I've missed something please let me know.
- A few days of designing the promo
- A few days for designing the set
- Time spent planning the session
- All the time I spend communicating with each person that inquires the details of the offer
- The time I spend, after confirming participation, discussing what to wear with each person
- Time spent designing documents to help them figure out what to bring/wear
- An hour at least pre-shoot to set up
- Refreshments that I usually provide
- My shooting time
- My time spent editing the images (8 hours or more)
- My time during the reveal to help you choose which you like the most or helping you figure out what you want to order.
- Preparing the files for your order
- Packaging and providing care instructions for your products.
- On top of all this you have the usual costs of running a business
- rent
- utilities
- internet / phone
- education
- business license
- website fee's
- insurance
- education
- equipment
- did I mention education
- advertising costs
- memberships
- cost of goods sold (COGS) - or in this case possibly given
Oh and by the way, all that I do above is done for every client that I have. Now have a look at what I do and what I charge and what I create for you.
ok rant over.
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